Cost of Living Assistance


We provide a wide range of support to help ensure that none of our students go hungry or without essentials, such as warm jackets or toiletries, as a result of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

It is important to us that students know we are here to help ease the burden of financial anxiety. Having access to food, warm coats and hygiene essentials is critical to support the wellbeing of our students and to ensure that the impact of the cost-of-living crisis does not disrupt their studies.

In recognition of an increasing number of students in poverty, we offer:

  • Free breakfast
  • A free lunch of winter soup and roll
  • The Larder – a food store providing free supplies and ingredients for meals
  • The Cooking Club – online live cooking lessons using ingredients from The Larder
  • A student book fund
  • Free donated toiletries from The Cubby
  • Warm jackets and coats for winter

All students who are in hardship are encouraged to help themselves to the free services on offer and to only take what they need.